Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Add your Photos in My Computer Properties..

Add your Photos in My Computer Properties

Todo this:

1. Open Notepad.

2. Type the following:



Model=Intel® Core™2 Duo

[Support Information]

Line1= 9961000310

Line2= Dhishna Calicut


3. Save as "oeminfo.ini" in the System32 folder.(Without Quote)

4. Create a bmp file(Your Photo) and save it the System32 folder as "oemlogo.bmp"(Without Quote).

5. Now Check your My Computer Properties.

Add an item to the Send To menu..

When you right-click a file name or a thumbnail in Microsoft Windows XP, you see a shortcut menu for that file. One of the items on the menu is Send To, which enables you to quickly e-mail a file, copy it to your desktop, or copy it to a floppy disk.

Sometimes what you really want to do is to save a copy of the file to a specific folder on your computer. If you have a folder where you frequently place files, you can add that folder’s name to the list of locations on the Send To menu. This can save you the time of opening another Windows Explorer window and copying the file from one folder to another.

File with Send To—Mail Recipient selected on shortcut menu

For example, you could create a My Pictures folder and then use the Send To menu to copy your best pictures to that folder.

To add a folder to the Send To menu


Click Start. Make note of your user name ("Administrator" in the example below) which is displayed at the top of the Start menu. Then, click My Computer.

Start menu with My Computer selected


In the My Computer window, click the Tools menu, and then click Folder Options.

My Computer window with Folder Options selected on Tools menu


Click the View tab. Under Hidden files and folders, click Show hidden files and folders, and then click OK.

Folder Options dialog box View tab with Show hidden files selected


In the My Computer window, double-click Local Disk (C:), double-click Documents and Settings, double-click your user name, and then double-click SendTo.

Administrator folder in Documents and Settings folder with SendTo folder selected


Click the File menu, click New, and then click Shortcut.

SendTo window with File menu expanded to select Shortcut


The Create Shortcut Wizard appears. Click the Browse button.

Create Shortcut page in Create Shortcut Wizard with Browse button selected


In the Browse For Folder dialog box, click the folder you want to add to your Send To menu, and then click OK.

Browse For Folder dialog box with folder and OK button selected


Click Next.

Create Shortcut page with folder location entered and Next button selected


Click Finish.

Select a Title for the Program page with shortcut name entered and Finish button selected

Now when you right-click a file and click Send To, the destination you selected will be an option on the Send To menu. You can create shortcuts to local or network programs, files, folders, computers, or Internet addresses.

Send To menu with Send To—name of newly created shortcut selected on shortcut menu

Setting the Recycle Bin to Always Delete..

You can set the recycle bin to always delete items (like holding down the shift key when dragging files to the recycle bin)

  1. Start Regedit
  2. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ BitBucket
  3. Set the key NukeOnDelete to 1

Backing Up the Registry..

There are many backup programs for the registry but if the computer goes down and you can't fire off Win95 because of the registry problem.

Backup to a directory the following files:

  • SYSTEM.DA0 (Yes seem to be the same size)
  • USER.DA0 (Same size likely)

These files can be copied to the windows directory from Win95 or DOS to help correct problems.

Change the picture on your Welcome screen..

By default, each user account in Microsoft Windows XP has a standard picture (such as a chess set, a dog, or an astronaut) associated with it. If you'd like to make the picture more personal, you can add your own image for each account. Changing pictures is fun, and it makes it easier for young children to use your computer.

To change the picture on the Welcome screen


Log on to your computer as an administrator.


Click Start, and then click Control Panel.

Start menu with Control Panel selected


Under Pick a category, click User Accounts.

Control Panel window with User Accounts selected


Under or pick an account to change, click the account you want to choose a picture for.

User Accounts window with account selected


Under What do you want to change..., click Change the picture.

User Accounts window with Change the picture selected


Click Browse for more pictures.

User Accounts window Pick a new picture page with Browse for more pictures selected


Click the picture you want to display for that account, and then click Open.

Browsing My Pictures folder with image and Open button selected

Windows XP displays the picture on the Welcome screen for the account you selected. To choose pictures for other accounts, return to step 3.

Add a picture to a folder..

Microsoft Windows XP usually shows icons for folders like My Music and My Pictures. If a folder contains pictures, Windows XP displays random thumbnails from within the folder. You can replace these icons with custom pictures to make browsing your files more fun, and to make it easier for children to find and open files.

Note: Your picture is visible only when you're browsing folders with the Thumbnails view. To access the Thumbnails view, click Thumbnails on the View menu.

To add a picture to a folder


In Windows Explorer (the program that appears when you open folders such as My Computer, My Documents, My Pictures, or My Music), right-click the folder you want to add a picture to, and then click Properties.

Windows Explorer with Properties selected on a folder shortcut menu


In the Properties dialog box, click the Customize tab. If there is no Customize tab, you cannot add a picture to that folder. You can add pictures to other folders, however.

Customize tab in Properties dialog box


On the Customize tab, click Choose Picture.

Customize tab in Properties dialog box with Choose Picture button selected


In the Browse dialog box, click the picture you want to use, and then click Open.

Browse dialog box with image file selected


Click OK.

Customize tab in Properties dialog box with OK button selected

When you view the folder using Thumbnails view, Windows displays a thumbnail of the picture you selected.

Restricting Logon Access

If you work in a multiuser computing environment, and you have full (administrator level) access to your computer, you might want to restrict unauthorized access to your "sensitive" files under Windows 95/98.
One way is to disable the Cancel button in the Logon dialog box.
Just run Regedit and go to:


Create the "Logon" subkey if it is not present on your machine: highlight the Network key -> right-click in the left hand Regedit pane -> select New -> Key -> name it "Logon" (no quotes) -> press Enter. Then add/modify a DWORD value and call it "MustBeValidated" (don't type the quotes). Double-click it, check the Decimal box and type 1 for value.
Now click the Start button -> Shut Down (Log off UserName) -> Log on as a different user, and you'll notice that the Logon Cancel button has been disabled.

Networking Restrictions

  1. Start Regedit
  2. Go to HKEY_Current_User / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies
  3. Create a new key under Policies called Network
  4. You can then add DWORD values set to 1 in the appropriate keys
  5. To re-enable them, either delete the key or set the value to 0

Hiding All Icons from the Desktop

  1. Start Regedit
  2. Go to HKey_Current_User \ Software\ Microsoft \Windows \ Current Version \ Policies \ Explorer
  3. Right click on the right panel and add a New / DWORD
  4. Name it NoDesktop
  5. Give it a value of 1
  6. Logoff or Reboot the computer
  7. Now all icons are hidden on the desktop.

Disabling Drives in My Computer

To turn off the display of local or networked drives when you click on My Computer:

  1. Start Regedit
  2. Go to HKey_Current_User \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Current Version \ Policies \ Explorer
  3. Add a New DWORD item and name it NoDrives
  4. Give it a value of 3FFFFFF
  5. Now when you click on My Computer, none of your drives will show

Windows XP shortcuts on your keyboard...

Keyboard shortcuts are a great way to keep things moving when you're using your computer, and they let you perform tasks without lifting your hands from the keyboard. These are some of the basics that you should know--at least if you want to cut down on the number of times you reach for the mouse every day.

  1. Ctrl Alt Del is the mother of all keyboard shortcuts, affectionately known as the "three-fingered salute," since it's so useful when your Windows box locks up. Pressing the combo once (simultaneously) opens the Windows Task Manager. (From within the Task Manager, you can force-quit a crashed program, see a list of processes or applications running on your machine, check performance parameters such as how hard your CPU is working, or track your network usage.) Is your machine totally locked up? Reach over, grab the mouse and click Shut Down.

  2. Ctrl S saves the file you're working on. Ever lost your homework, a spreadsheet at work, or some video you've been editing? Hit Ctrl S (simultaneously) to save. Hit it early and often! (Want to open a file from within the program you're running? Ctrl O universally opens the File/Open window.)

  3. Ctrl C copies text, files, or icons that you've highlighted, Ctrl V pastes them where you point your mouse (hey, you can't completely eliminate using it), and Ctrl X cuts whatever you've highlighted out of the document (or folder, photo, movie clip, or whatever it is you're working on). Ctrl A highlights the entire file you're working on or everything in a folder or on your desktop.

  4. Alt Tab lets you switch on the fly between all of your open windows. Press the combination once to switch to your last open window or multiple times to switch to any other open window. Holding down Alt Tab will bring up a system window that shows you what apps are running and which one you're switching to.

  5. Ever wonder why almost every Windows program has the F in File underlined, not to mention the E in Edit, and so on so forth across the top of the Window? Hit Alt that letter to open that particular menu; you can either use the arrow keys to move around within that window, or keep your eyes peeled for more underlined letters to use more Alt key combinations.

  6. The Windows key (the one that looks like the Windows logo, or a flag) R opens the Run dialog. From here, you can launch a command-line window by typing cmd, but you can do a lot more. You can, for example, paste in a folder path, such as C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\My Documents\Expenses, and Windows will open it automatically. You can also use the Run dialog to open Microsoft applications such as Word, Excel, or Notepad. Just type winword to launch Word, type excel to launch Excel, and notepad to launch Notepad.

  7. Windows E launches Windows Explorer, defaulting to My Computer.

  8. F2 renames a selected file or folder. (This is so much easier than right-clicking!)

  9. F3 launches Search if you're on the desktop or in a folder.

  10. Windows M minimizes all open windows, and Windows D shows your desktop. (These results look similar, but they're slightly different; Windows M minimizes all windows that support the command, while Windows D actually raises the desktop to the top.) This is a great one for when the boss pops up in your cubicle. Once the boss gone, hit Shift Windows M to bring up your minimized windows, or Windows D to drop your desktop back down again.

Control Panel Restrictions..

There are many general restrictions you can make to the Control Panel

  1. Start Regedit
  2. Go to HKEY_Current_User / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies
  3. Create a new keys under Policies called System
  4. You can then add DWORD values set to 1 in the appropriate keys
  5. To re-enable them, either delete the key or set the value to 0

How to Remove Windows XP's Messenger..?

Theoretically, you can get rid of it (as well as a few other things). Windows 2000\xp power users should already be familiar with this tweak.

Fire up the Windows Explorer and navigate your way to the %SYSTEMROOT% \ INF folder. What the heck is that thingy with the percentage signs? It's a variable. For most people, %SYSTEMROOT% is C:\Windows. For others, it may be E:\WinXP. Get it? Okay, on with the hack! In the INF folder, open sysoc.inf (but not before making a BACKUP copy first). Before your eyes glaze over, look for the line containing "msmsgs" in it. Near the end of that particular line, you'll notice that the word "hide" is not so hidden. Go ahead and delete "hide" (so that the flanking commas are left sitting next to one another). Save the file and close it. Now, open the Add and Remove Programs applet in the Control Panel. Click the Add / Remove Windows Components icon. You should see "Windows Messenger" in that list. Remove the checkmark from its box, and you should be set. NOTE: there are other hidden system components in that sysoc.inf file, too. Remove "hide" and the subsequent programs at your own risk.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Accessing banned sites (Orkut).

Accessing banned sites (Orkut).

If you are in office or school or university campus where Orkut is blocked, either by the office administrator or by your organization then you can access it easily without any hassles. This can also be tried by users living in countries where Orkut is blocked by their ISP. There are 2 sites that can help:

***#### Just GO to http://www.robtex.com/dns/kproxy.com.html
Best site 4 ## PROXY

1.Just go to
www.mathtunnel.com and type in the name of any site you want to access. This works for Orkut and other blocked sites too.

2.There is one more site www.gravitywars.com .This is very good as it is updated regularly.

Even though the blocked sites can be accessed through proxy servers as I have discussed in my earlier post, but i have noticed that the sites for proxy servers is blocked at various places.

How to Enable Tools - Folder Options and Registry Editor in Windows

Folder Options and Registry Editor in Windows" How to Enable Tools - Folder Options and Registry Editor in Windows........

If you find that in your windows “Tools -> Folder Options is not visible and you can’t access it from the Control Panel too. Also if you can’t access Registry Editor in Windows, then follow this tutorial to fix the problem:

1.) You can enable Folder Options by simply editing the Windows Registry. Just type regedit in RUN dialog box and it’ll open Registry Editor, now goto following keys:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Policies\Explorer
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Policies\Explorer

And in right-side pane, check whether a DWORD value named NoFolderOptions exists or not? If it exists then either change its value to 0 or delete it.

2.) If you are not familiar with Editing the registry, then you can simply download following file, extract it and then run the .REG file


3.) If its not a virus problem and someone disabled Registry Editor in your system, then you can enable it again by following any of following methods:

a.) Type gpedit.msc in RUN dialog box and goto:

User Configuration - Administrative Templates - System

in right-side pane, set “Prevent access to Registry editing tools” to either Not Configured or Disabled.

b.) Just type following in RUN dialog box and press :

REG add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v DisableRegistryTools /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f "

Now after enabling Registry Editor, you can enable Folder Options again by using 1st or 2nd step.